After my father died in 2017, there came the point where I knew I needed to do something to help me work through my grief. Being a trained counsellor, I knew I also wanted to do something so that I could help others with their grief as well. Being somewhat familiar with coaching, I wondered if there were a grief focus coaching program available that would not only give me a way to process my grief but train me how to help others with theirs.
After an extensive search, I discovered From Grief to Gratitude Coaching Program and the certification program. I automatically fell in love with the idea of having an approach focused on gratitude. I wanted to learn how to remember my father from a place of gratitude.
Through this program, I had a significant breakthrough concerning the one regret I had concerning my father's death. I was off the island (I live in the Cayman Islands and was traveling to the US) when my father died, and I didn't get to say goodbye to him. It was through one of the exercises in this program that I realised that I had that goodbye my heart was so longing for. It had come in a very tender moment between my father and I just before I had left the island for my vacation. I will forever be grateful for the peace this program gave me and for what it provides to my clients as I share it with them.

I am now excited to be able to share that the next step in the grief support that I can offer is here! I am currently an official trainer for the From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certfication Program. This is a self-directed online course to certify individuals in grief coaching. This course is administered through the Institute of Professional Grief Coaching and is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
This is the next step in providing grief support to the bereaved. Training individuals with a heart for helping the bereaved will ensure that those hurting from loss never have to endure the pain alone. If you have a longing to either learn how to support yourself or desire to help others with grief, this is a course for you. Through this course, you will work with me to learn how grief coaching can make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.
Rhonda Cornwall-Official Trainer, From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program
Hope's Dwelling